VEXA Project



VEXA, an acronym that defines a methodology, which starting from the mid-Nineties has become a fundamental key for accessing European structural funds: the Ex-Ante Evaluation. In fact, this tool represents an answer to the European Commission’s need to guarantee continuous improvement and efficacy of the investment programs implemented and, in particular, it can be used to verify that the objectives of each program can be reached.

Starting from 2009, Sinloc has gained considerable experience in the definition of Ex-Ante Evaluations, developing projects in very diverse contexts such as: urban transformation, the energy sector, agriculture and local public transport, operating both on a local and a national scale.

Sinloc’s interventions have provided clients with VEXA studies, pursuant to European Regulation EU no. 1303/2013, and supported them in the identification of priorities and in the definition of activation strategies of the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF). 

Among the most relevant projects supported by the company:

  • Assignment received in 2014 by the Marche Region and by the Veneto Region pertaining to the development of an evaluation of the suitability and of the most consistent methods for activation of a financial instrument targeted at the energy sector, fueled by resources deriving from the  ERDF Operational Programme  of the respective Regions 
  • Adjudication of the call for tenders by the Sardinia Region for the Ex-Ante Evaluation of the financial instruments connected to the island’s rural development plan 2014/2020.

The development of specific competences in the management of Ex-Ante Evaluations has allowed Sinloc to broaden its scope, acquiring assignments at national level, such as the currently ongoing assignment with ASSTRA – Associazione Trasporti – which, within the context of the new Community programming cycle 2021 – 2027, envisages the design of a platform dedicated to the renewal of the fleet of local public transport vehicles.