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The managemement of the “Fondo di Ricerca ed Innovazione destinato al finanziamento alle imprese”, created by the MIUR (Ministry of Education, of University and Research) in implementation of the National Operational Programme (PON) on Research and Innovation 2014-2020, will be implemented by the Banco di Sardegna and by Sinloc, co-manager of the fund. The Banco di Sardegna is in fact the successful winner of the international call for tenders issued by the European Investment Bank (EIB).

With an endowment of 62 million Euros, the Fund will promote investments in research and innovation, with the aim of contributing to reduce the gap existing in such areas between the south of Italy and the rest of the country, based upon the provisions of the European Union’s policy on  economic and social cohesion. The regions involved are those in transition (Sardinia, Abruzzo and Molise) and those less developed (Campania, Calabria, Apulia, Sicily and Basilicata).

The presentation of the Fondo di Ricerca e Innovazione took place on 26 September 2018 at the Auditorium of the Banco di Sardegna in Cagliari. The speakers included Antonio Rigon, CEO of Sinloc. This objective was reached also due to the winning collaboration between Banco di Sardegna and Sinloc SpA, already consolidated with Jessica Sardegna (Joint European Support for Sustainable Investment in City Areas), an initiative of the European Commission realized in collaboration with the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB).

With the 40 million Euros of the Jessica Fund, an important operation of economic development, which allowed an investment of roughly 110 million in eleven strategic projects, was initiated. In particular, the Fund has allowed the building of the new cruise ship terminal in Cagliari and three new gas distribution networks, the delivery of 14 new trolley buses to Cagliari CTM, the planning, realization and management of an integrated centre for rehabilitation of people with disabilities, the renovation and expansion of Oristano’s city market, the renovation of a building for tourism purposes in the municipality of Borutta (SS), the completion of the swimming pool facilities in the Municipality of Alghero, and the upgrading of the Serradimigni sports arena in Sassari.