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Fund Management

With our team of experts, the Financial Institutions create and manage financial instruments with a focus on specific territories or sectors. We oversee all stages of the activation of the investment vehicle: from structuring to research and the evaluation of initiatives, from portfolio monitoring to the assessment of the impacts generated.

Dedicated contacts
Loreto Cipriani

Head of Fund Management


co-managed financial instruments


Millions of Euros of public resources contracted under management


Millions of Euros of investments activated by funds and co-managed financial instruments

Fund Management

Sinloc offers ongoing assistance to investment vehicles in researching, structuring and monitoring impact projects.

Investment phases


Launch of investment facility

Identification of the characteristics, investment strategies, management method, governance and support of the financial instrument.

Scouting and Feasibility

Identification and preliminary assessment of projects consistent with the evaluation criteria and impact objectives of the financial instrument; structuring of partnerships and contractual guidelines.

Closing of the initiative and Monitoring

Support in the completion of the evaluation, financial and commercial closing, monitoring and impact assessment processes.

The funds co-managed by our Group

Consolidated and diversified experience in the Fund Management sector.

Some of the projects we have completed through the Fund Management tool.

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