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The final presentation of the European CERtuS project (Cost Efficient Options and Financing mechanisms for nearly Zero Energy Renovation of existing Building Stock) was held on Tuesday, 28 February in Palermo at the Palazzo dei Normanni, financed by the Intelligent Energy Europe programme (IEE), which involved public bodies, research institutions, energy service companies, engineering companies and financial companies. Its goal was to identify technical, procedural, contractual and financial strategies and solutions for the energy efficiency improvement of public buildings for their qualification as nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEBs).

The project was developed through an international partnership which for Italy involved ENEA (lead partner), the Municipality of Messina, Sinloc, and three Local Authorities (Errenteria, Coimbra and Alimos), a bank and a research centre representing three other European countries (Greece, Spain, and Portugal).

Sinloc’s involvement made it possible to define a financial and risk assessment methodology for the projects and identified potential funding instruments for the energy efficiency improvement works.