The operational phase of the PadovaFIT Expanded project begins. In collaboration with the Municipality of Padua, this project aims at activating a Local One-stop Shop to guide citizens in the realization of energy upgrade measures in private homes, which contribute for around 40% to total CO2 emissions. The project is configured as a virtuous example in the definition of organizational and economic models for the energy upgrade of private buildings, aiming at obtaining a saving of around 700 tons per year of Co2 emissions. PadovaFIT Expanded, although not directly financing the energy renewal operations, aims to promote the energy transition process in a residential context, operating on two fronts; on one hand, by aggregating demand (the owners) and supply (the construction sector and the suppliers) in a single meeting point; on the other, by providing citizens with information, technical, contractual and financial tools, with the objective of increasing their awareness and trust of the solutions and services present on the market.
Sinloc has followed this project since its first phase of ideation and presentation to the European Commission within the context of the Horizon Program 2020. In the implementation phase, Sinloc’s role is that of identifying solutions of Smart Finance for Smart Building to accelerate the realization of the interventions and reach the minimum objectives in terms of energy efficiency.
The intervention will start within the Municipality of Padua, and then be extended to the whole metropolitan area of Padua and replicated in other two “follower” cities, Timisoara (Romania) and Plovdiv (Bulgaria).