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Sinloc has acquired from Rekeep S.p.A. (formerly Manutencoop Facility Management) a further 26.98% of the share capital of Progetto Isom S.p.A., thus acquiring the majority of the capital of the Bolognese Special Purpose Entity with a total share capital of 51.98%. This important investment by Sinloc, which today has exceeded 8 million, bears witness to the extent to which the Company believes in the project and in its capacity of becoming a point of reference for enhancing the energy efficiency of the country’s public healthcare structures.

Isom is the special purpose entity established by Sinloc together with partners Manutencoop and Siram, which was responsible for planning, financing, realizing and managing the large-scale upgrade and energy efficiency enhancement of Sant’Orsola hospital in Bologna, one of the largest hospital areas in Italy. The total intervention was for more than 45 million Euros and allowed the realization of one of the biggest hospital trigeneration plants  – a massive electricity, heating and cooling system – besides upgrading and enhancing the efficiency of the structure of the plant.

The intervention has allowed a significant increase in the performance of the plants, so much so that, when fully operational, a reduction of roughly 27% of energy consumption of the hospital structure is estimated, with an important saving of public resources. In terms of polluting emissions, a reduction of around 31% of CO2 is estimated. This important investment was financed, as well as through resources owned by the promoters, among which Sinloc holds a special place, by developing and placing on the market the first project bond in 2013. This innovative and complex financial solution was possible thanks in particular to Sinloc’s contribution.

The project was winner of the CESEF Energy Efficiency Awards 2015 in the finance category, of the Best Practice Public Assets Award at the PA Forum 2017 and was selected as good practice in Paris at the World Climate Conference.