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First closing at 45 million euros for Ver Capital Sinloc Transition Energy Fund, which aims to be the first true national fund dedicated to energy transition.

The Fund is promoted and managed by Ver Capital, with the support of Sinloc in the role of technical advisor, has a final funding target €200 million, with a net return target for investors of 10 percent. The Fund’s main objectives include mainly improving the energy efficiency of large public buildings such as hospitals, schools, or museum hubs, developing smart cities, focusing on the digitization of parking lots and street lighting, and building all plants for renewable energy production.

The joint team of Ver Capital and Sinloc can count on a significant pipeline of investments stemming from established relationships with industrial partners, within non-competitive frameworks, mainly in public-private partnerships, which already meet a significant part of the fund’s investment needs.

The Ver Capital Sinloc Transition Energy Fund is set up as an impact investing platform in the energy transition and renewable energy sector and is classified as an Article 9 under the SFDR (Sustainable finance disclosure regulation) directive, which is the maximum for a financial product targeting sustainable investments.

The approximately 15 investments the fund will focus on will generate energy savings equivalent to at least nine thousand tons of oil equivalent (TOE) per year and avoid the emission of 15 thousand tons of CO2 per year, according to plans.

Investments in energy efficiency represent an opportunity for the investor, if well structured and managed, in relation to the excellent risk-return ratio, low volatility, and high predictability of cash flows, coupled with the positive environmental and social impact.

The possibility of intercepting investment operations with these characteristics is also supported by the results obtained by Sinloc, which, in the last decade, has activated more than 1.6 billion investments in the country in favor of the development of local infrastructure, renewable energy, and energy efficiency, mainly through public-private partnerships.

In order to optimize the cash profile of professional investors, the fund will see in the first two years of its life a prevalence of “brownfield” initiatives and then give way to “late greenfield” initiatives in the second phase of the investment period.

“Ver Capital,” said managing director Andrea Pescatori, “has combined its management experience with Sinloc’s expertise in energy, with an innovative investment proposal that could generate investments of up to one billion euros.”

Added Sinloc’s CEO Antonio Rigon: “We strongly believe in this initiative, which will allow the Fund to make the best use of our national and European experiences in the energy field, and the country to focus even more on energy efficiency.”.